Experimental College Community Garden

This blog is a virtual community space for the Experimental College Community Garden in Davis, California.

Anyone can rent or sponsor a garden plot at the EC Garden. Plots are 10' x 20' and cost $25/year. The EC Garden is managed according to organic standards. Donations of tools, seeds, service, and supplies are appreciated.

For more information, please contact us at ecgarden@ucdavis.edu or visit our website at experimentalcollege.org.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Campfire at EC Garden!

This past Saturday there was a campfire at the Experimental College Community Garden, on the Southwest end from 6 to 10 p.m. There were about 16 people in attendance, including gardeners, kids, friends, and community members. We cooked porcini mushrooms and bread, turkey dogs, marshmallows and smores. It was a lot of fun!

Later in the evening, we had a drum circle. That was cool. Even I got in on the action - it took me a while to warm up! I'm spoiled now, it's so cold, and that fire was soooo nice and toasty.

We are toying around with the idea of having fires on every full moon. Please post a comment on your interest.


Blogger Tim Quick - ECG Coordinator said...

YEAH! I'll get the fire permit.

The solstice occurs on Wed. 12/21/05 at 1:35 pm. When do all of you want to celebrate the Winter Solstice?

I vote for Wed. night, just before sunset. School's out though, so Tuesday night could work too...

WHERE?... For me, it's a tie between "in back" at the southwest corner by the dirt road, or "in front" in the community orchard, right by Orchard Park Dr.

Let's see if a dialogue starts on this one. If not, I'll schedule it for 12/21/05 from 4:00 to midnight.

p.s. - this blog thing is so cool! New members are joining all of the time!

Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:17:00 PM  
Blogger Karl Haro von Mogel said...

I'm in favor of a campfire on wednesday night, rather than the morning. Granted, It would be more symbolic to have a campfire in the morning of the solstice, but I'm likely not to make it if its in the morning. What about having a campfire in the evening instead, which could burn until morning, providing that there are still people around to tend it? I'll advertise it on the Wiki in case anyone wants to join in.

Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:34:00 AM  

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